The Healthy Celiac Podcast
Hosted by Certified Health Coach, Belinda Whelan, who specializes in follow up care for women with Celiac Disease.
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The Healthy Celiac Podcast
13 Naturally Gluten Free Foods That Support Celiac Disease Ep. 21
Even though you are eating Gluten Free, the food you are eating may still be causing inflammation within your body.
In today's episode, I am sharing 13 Foods that you can add in to support you in feeling better.
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Now as you know, living with celiac disease means that our body is struggling with an auto immune disease. And the thing is our body is inflamed. We can feel a lot worse. So even though we've cut out the gluten from our diet, we can still benefit from eating anti-inflammatory foods. So this week I want to talk to you about some of the top anti-inflammatory foods that you can add into your diet and your lifestyle to make yourself feel better. Now, I don't know about you, but I, I still suffer from needing more sleep than I ever used to before my diagnosis, because the thing with having an autoimmune disease, yeah, there are common symptoms that still happen even after your diagnosis and after you've cut out the gluten. So some of these main symptoms can be things like having extreme fatigue, difficulty concentrating, still experiencing muscle pain, having numbness and tingling, even hair loss and skin dryness or redness. So the thing is the one thing that ties all of that together is that there's a common factor and that is auto immune disease is basically chronic inflammation. So if you have chronic inflammation going on in your body, then the food that you are eating is playing a big role on your inflammation levels. And it's important to lower that inflammation so that you can feel better. So I want to share with you the top 13 things that I recommend that you add into your diet, whether it'd be a handful of them or all of them fantastic, but it's really important that we focus on these. And in upcoming episode, I'm going to share with you some of the most, um, inflaming foods. So the things that we need to cut back on or completely cut out, and they'll not talking about gluten, I'm talking about other foods that are gluten free, that are not necessarily healthy or benefiting us in any way. So we'll talk about that later. Now, when I studied to become a health coach, one of my, um, teachers was Dr. Andrew Wilde, and he says that it is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses, including heart disease, many cancers and out Simon's disease. So as we learn meaningless about ourselves, it's important to focus on it. And it's important to make sure that we, we take this on board. So I really hope that this week's information that I share with you hits home and someone out there makes a difference to their health, because I know there's a lot of you tuning in from all over the world now. And I think it's fancy, fantastic that I can share this information with you today. So let's start off with number one. And the first is oily fish. So I think of oily fish, such as salmon and sardines, herring, things like that. So adding in fatty fish is fantastic because not only are you getting those amazing, amiga three fatty acids, but you're also adding in an anti-inflammatory food. All right. So most important thing that we're talking about is anti-inflammatory, there's lots of benefits to all the foods that I'm sharing with you today, but our main focus is on anti-inflammatory. All right. So number two is tumeric and I've actually just recently started adding turmeric into my life every single day in a new drink that I've been drinking and I've been trialing it. And I'm going to share that with you guys soon over on my website, Belinda because it is amazing. So turmeric is anti-inflammatory and it's a little powerhouse. It's just amazing. And it's definitely worth adding in if you can, you don't need much of it. So keep an eye out on my blog posts. And if you haven't joined my email list, I suggest you hop on to that because I will definitely send you out an email once I've added this amazing new drink to my website. So just go to my website, Belinda and sign up there, and I will send that out to you as soon as that is available. All right, number three is broccoli, another incredible food and amazing vegetable. And it's great because you can have it so many different ways. You can add it to salads. You can just blanch it and add it to a salad. You can have it cooked. You can roast it. It's just such a delicious vegetable when it's cooked the right way. I know when I was a kid, we used to have a frozen broccoli that was bought from the store and mum would cook it. She would stay mad and it was SOGI and it was disgusting. Sorry, mom, if you're listening, but it just wasn't enjoyable. And I didn't like it. But as an adult, I love broccoli because it's all about cooking at the right way. So again, broccoli is an incredible, incredible anti-inflammatory vegetable. And this lies in with the cruciferous veggies. So you can also look at cauliflower, cabbage, Kao, other vegetables like that. So they are fantastic as well. Then moving on to number four is green tea. I absolutely love green tea. If he have tried green tea in the past, and didn't particularly like it, my suggestion is that you buy some leaves, don't buy the tea bags cause they can be quiet. Oh, what's the word kind of be there. I think when you have them in the tea bags, they a little bit beat up and it's about not borrowing it for too long. So if you want to give green tea a go again after you've tried it in the past and didn't like, it definitely, definitely try it in the loose leaves and not grow it for quite so long. So again, an amazing anti-inflammatory, um, drink that you can add into your diet and definitely one of the healthiest drinks getting around that you can drink. So if you're a coffee drinker, you might want to start by just changing up one coffee for one green tea day and give that a go and see how, how that helps you out. All right. So moving on to number five is coconut milk. So coconut milk is easy to add into your diet, whether you add it into recipes or you have a little bit of a, in a morning drink again, little hint, hint there for my drink. That's coming up that I'm going to be sharing with you on, on my blog very, very soon, but coconut milk again, very anti-inflammatory and what'd you believe it can actually help with pain relief, so it can be quite soothing and it can ease you when you're feeling unwell. So definitely worth giving the old coconut milk a go number six is berries. So when we talk about berries, think of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, things like that, all wonderful full of vitamin C and incredibly healthy. And again, another amazing group of, um, fruit that is anti-inflammatory. So I definitely find that berries up easy to add into your lifestyle. I guess you can, if you can't access fresh berries at this point in time, depending on which season you are in, you might want to try getting them in a frozen package and having them in smoothies or adding them to, um, say a bowl of
Speaker 2:Yogurt, you know,
Speaker 1:Get creative don't you don't have to have fresh berries if you can't access them. Because I know that, you know, when it's off season, they're a little bit harder to get and a little bit more expensive. So they don't always have to be the fresh variety. Obviously fresh is best, but it's an excellent way of adding berries into your life. When you have them frozen my eldest daughter, she makes smoothies all the time as well. I really hope that she's learned that from me. Um, but she's always got a freezer full of different frozen fruit, and she adds strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries to all different concoctions that she comes up with. So definitely any inflammatory and can, you know, help support, reduce your risk of other diseases as well, which is fantastic. All right, moving on to number seven is avocados. So avocados are not only delicious, but so many health benefits with avocados. You know, they're packed with potassium, magnesium fiber, and even the good healthy fats. So if you're scared of avocados, because you've heard that they're fattening or they're full of fat, well guess what, it's the good fat, it's the good fat that your body actually needs to survive and to thrive. And when we have healthy fats in our diet, that's what fills us up and we're not hungry. So it's definitely worth adding in those healthy fats. And avocado is a wonderful, because there's so many different ways that you can enjoy them. You know, again, you can have them in salads, you could have them on a sandwich, some Ross' cakes, um, even in smoothies, would you believe I've even got some recipes where you add them into a chocolate drink and you wouldn't even know that we're there, but totally delicious and totally nourishing. So definitely worth adding the avocado to your diet as well. All right, moving on to number eight. So capsicum, we like to call it here in Australia. You may know it more as peppers, so red bell peppers, um, and capsicum, I'm going to call it capsicum cause I'm so used to it calling it capsicum. Sorry if that just throws your brain off a little bit, but yeah, here in Australia, that's just the word we use for them. But again, they are vitamin C and any oxidants and they have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. So they are wonderful food. They're wonderful food. Does that sound a bit weird? They're a wonderful food, a wonderful vegetable that you can add into your life. I love peppers or capsicum roistered that absolutely delicious throw me. And when you're cooking up a whole heap of roasted vegetables and they're amazing, they're also incredible as a stuffed vegetables. So make up a delicious rice dish or a king one dish and pop them inside a capsicum and put the lid back on. So cut the top off the cap, scan stuff it with your feeling and put the top back on and pop it in the oven and bacon or such a delicious meal going off crack bed, but just a little chip. Um, also delicious in salads. You know, there's so many ways that yeah, we can enjoy these amazing vegetables. So get creative and think about how you can add them into your life. Now, the next one is mushrooms. So mushrooms are really low in calories. Not that I ever focus on calories, but like most vegetables, they are low in calories. They're rich in selenium culpa and all of the B vitamins, which is super important for us with celiac disease. We really need to focus on our B vitamin levels. And again, very anti-inflammatory so definitely worth adding in as well. All right. So the next one is grapes. So you probably have heard a lot about grapes being so good for you, and again, they can reduce inflammation. So you might have also heard that they're really for helping, um, avoid heart disease. So red grapes, red blot, those types of things is that connection. So grapes are little powerhouse. They're delicious. Again, it's just one of those things that, you know, we don't think about this every day. We're so focused on looking for our gluten-free labeled foods. We really need to be focusing on these healthy, non packaged foods that can make a true difference to our lives and to our health. Okay. Moving on to the next one, extra Virgin olive oil. So extra Virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats that you can eat and you can enjoy it in a number of ways. It's actually even fantastic drizzled over a salad. You can use it for cooking and again, an anti-inflammatory food ingredient. Let's call it an ingredient. All right, dark chocolate and cacao. You'll love me for this one. So most people like chocolate, most people, I don't know how many people I've come across that don't like chocolate, but the good news is dark. Chocolate is an anti-inflammatory and even better is cow, which is one of the ingredients in my new drink that I've been enjoying in my morning. So I'm going to share that with you. So and so dark chocolate, anchor cow, you can enjoy these in a number of ways as well. So they are packed with antioxidants that reduce inflammation, so that can also help reduce your risk of disease and, you know, lead to healthier aging, which is what we want. You know, we want to live a long, healthy life. We don't want to suffer. We don't want to struggle. So look for a dark chocolate, that's got a higher percentage of cocoa, preferably one, that's got at least 70% and you know, low amount of sugar if possible. Okay. Moving on to our very last one for today is tomatoes. So tomatoes are high in vitamin C potassium and there aren't any oxidant with amazing any inflammatory properties again. So you can enjoy tomatoes cook, you can have them roll. You can, you know, you can add them to salads. You can have even cooked meals, you know, and have them in pasta dishes. There's so many ways that you can enjoy tomatoes. And yeah, they're just, they're easy to get ahold of, you know, you can have cherry tomatoes, you can have Trista miners. There's so many different varieties of tomatoes. Um, I grow my own tomatoes when I can, when the season suits and they're so much more flavorsome, they're so delicious and sweet and you get them in an abundance. So that's a really good way of getting your hands on some really delicious tomatoes. So I hope that this episode has inspired you to try some other foods and add into your lifestyle. But as with everything I do recommend that you consult with your doctor or your primary when making diet changes. And in particular, if you are on medication, as some foods and herbs and spices can interact with your medication. So please make sure you are on top of that. But otherwise, thanks so much for tuning in. And like I said, be sure the jump over to my website and sign up for my weekly newsletter so that you can find out when my incredible and wanting drink is available for you to check out. And there's a number of days, ingredients that I talked about tonight that are in that powerhouse drink. So thanks again for tuning in. And I look forward to sharing more with you guys next week. Take care. Bye.