The Healthy Celiac Podcast
Welcome to The Healthy Celiac Podcast—the go-to podcast for women with celiac disease! This podcast is designed to help you thrive beyond your diagnosis and embrace life to the fullest because you are so much more than just a woman with celiac disease.
Hosted by Certified Health Coach Belinda Whelan, who specializes in follow-up care for women with celiac disease, each episode is a blend of practical advice, personal stories, and expert interviews. Belinda shares valuable insights on everything from navigating a gluten free lifestyle to managing the emotional aspects of celiac disease.
Join me as we explore topics that empower you to take control of your health, and discover joy in every meal and moment. Tune in for practical advice and support as we navigate the challenges of celiac disease and empower you to live confidently.
To find out how Belinda can support you, visit her website www.belindawhelan.com and while you're there be sure to download your FREE eBook '11 Mistakes People Make Living Gluten Free'.
For collaborations, please email me info@belindawhelan.com (no MLM opportunities please. 😊)
The Healthy Celiac Podcast
5 Steps You Can Take This Week To Be A Healthier Celiac Ep. 10
Rather than wishing and hoping to be healthier, I am sharing 5 really simple steps that you can take straight away to live a healthier and longer life with Celiac Disease.
Learn more about Crowding Out here
Find out how Ultimate Celiac System can support your Celiac journey here
Wish you could get gluten free meals on the table fast that the whole family will love? Check out Meal Plans Made Easy
Join my free community and grab your copy of 11 Mistakes People Make Living Gluten Free here www.belindawhelan.myflodesk.com/11mistakes
And I would love to connect with you on Instagram thehealthyceliac
Music Credit bensound.com
People always say that they want to be healthier, but when it comes right down to it, there's a lot of people that say that, but they don't actually take the action to be healthier. So this week I wanted to give you five things that you can do to be a healthier celiac this week. Really simple, really easy strategies that you can add in. And I'll also let you in on a little secret. It doesn't even matter if you don't have celiac disease. So if you've got a partner and you want to help them get healthier, these are going to work for them as well. It's not just celiac specific, but I wanted to give you some really simple tips to help you this week. All right. So if you were a client of mine and you came along to a session with me, one of the very first things that we work on after our goal setting is to add in more vegetables. And if you hate it, vegetables, sorry, I still want you to give this ago. I want you to work out how you can add in more vegetables. It can either be having them raw. Perhaps you like eating raw carrots and raw cucumber, and you can enjoy them with some hummus dip or something like that. Or if you like vegetables, then go for it. Adding more cooked vegetables, or you might even like to Chuck in some veggies into your smoothie. That's a really easy way to add in more vegetables. I love doing that with, um, baby spinach leaves or Kao and hiding that in a smoothie for myself and my kids and I never know is awesome. So that's the first one. Add in more vegetables, you're going to get so much more nutrition out of it. And you're also going to eat all this junk. When you fill up more on vegetables, number two is drink more water. If you don't already drink water, this is all life changing. I kid you not. The amount of people that are walking around dehydrated and feeling is astronomical and drinking water makes such a massive difference to your overall health and the way that you feel. It's just crazy. How much of an untapped resource it actually is. So drinking water is huge. It can help with memory. It can help with brain fog. It can help with energy. It can help your skin. There are just so many benefits to drinking water that if you start adding in more water, it will change the way you feel. My friend. I promise. Now, if you struggle to drink water, you might want to add something to your water first. So if you like flavored water, you could start by either adding some lemon to it in the morning, or perhaps throw in some pieces of fruit, you know, some strawberries or some blueberries, something like that. Just to change the flavor of the water a little bit. I don't recommend that you have lemon water all day, because it can actually ruin the enamel on your teeth. But if you have it first thing in the morning, that is awesome. So drinking water, definitely a go-to for me, that's my favorite drink. I would love to drink coffee all day, but I know it's not great for me. So I opt for water over everything else. All right. Number three, move your body. So I, I don't like to use the word exercise too often. I prefer the word movement because often we don't think of moving our body, um, just as movement being exercised. So when we focus on, you know, taking the stairs, rather than going in the lift, really simple things like that, that's moving your body. That's getting everything moving within you. Rather than you thinking of exercise, you know, going to the gym or going for a run or doing something. That's actually, you know, classed as exercise. I like to focus on moving your body more. Number four, sleep well sleeping or how I love sleep. I don't know about you, but since I've been diagnosed with celiac disease, I feel like I need way more sleep than I ever have. Even as a teenager, like, I feel like now, oh, sleep is just heaven. I have two little ones and a teenager and I don't get enough sleep. So that is something I'm looking forward to getting more of as my children get a little bit older and stop waking through the night and waking up early in
Speaker 2:The morning. So yes, sleep
Speaker 1:Getting, getting sleep so important for your health. So, so important. And I think this is one major area that my health is lacking on at the moment. So if you can get to bed a bit earlier, or you can somehow ensure a solid night's sleep, then do it. It is so good for you. All right. Number five, crowd out one habit that is not good for you. So some think of one thing, it probably pings to mine. As soon as I say that, what is one habit that you have the, you know, is not good for you? So if you haven't heard me talk about crowding out, crowding out is where you add in something that pushes out something else. So you add in one good habit and that pushes out one habit that, you know, isn't good for you. So even when I talked about water, perhaps you are a soda drinker or a soft drink drinker, and you know, you shouldn't drink as much of it, but if you add in water that will eventually push that habit out or adding in more vegetables, perhaps that'll push out another habits, something, you know, maybe you're eating potato chips. So instead of the potato chips, you could be snacking on something healthier, something better option. So I'm going to put a link below to a blog post that I wrote about crowding out. So you can read about that a little bit more in depth, but these are my five top things that anyone can start doing without having to pay lots of money or get major support from anyone else. This is a mindset thing. These are things that you can do as of today straightaway to feeling better and getting healthier. So I'd love to hear from you. I'd love to hear which one is a definite for you. If there's something that you think, or I'm going to struggle with that, or if you're like, yes, I am going to do all five of these Belinda. Thank you so much for the tips. Send me a DM over on Instagram. I'd really love to hear from you. So that's all I have for you this week, guys. Thank you for tuning in a little bit different this week. Not so specific celiac disease, but I know that these help all of us. So I wanted to share them with you. So I will talk with you again next week and I will speak to them. All right, bye.