The Healthy Celiac Podcast

Oral Health, Hormonal Shifts, and Sun Protection: A Dietary Perspective Ep. 158

May 06, 2024 • Belinda Whelan • Season 1 • Episode 158

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Are health mysteries leaving you baffled? Picture this: the missing pieces of your well-being puzzle finally clicking into place. That's what awaits in our latest episode, where we connect the dots between perimenopause and celiac disease, delve into the world of oral healthcare, and reveal how your diet could be your secret weapon against the sun's rays.

I share how there are common symptoms that overlap between perimenopausal and celiac symptoms, highlighting why women's experiences with these conditions ought to be taken more seriously.

This episode is to help women to empower herself with the knowledge necessary to advocate for her own health.

Episodes Mentioned:
Mel Robbins YouTube - The #1 Menopause Doctor: How to Lose Belly Fat, Sleep Better, & Stop Suffering Now

The #1 Menopause Doctor: How to Lose Belly Fat, Sleep Better, & Stop Suffering Now I The Mel Robbins Podcast

Marie Forleo YouTube - Menopause: The Hidden Truth They Don't Want You to Know

Marie Forleo Podcast - What They Don't Tell You About Menopause

Huberman Lab YouTube - How to Improve Oral Health & Its Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

Huberman Lab Podcast - How to Improve Oral Health & Its Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

Shawn Stevenson YouTube - Eat These Foods to Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

The Model Health Show Podcast - Nutritional Sunscreen & The Truth About Sun Protection

Find out how Ultimate Celiac System can support your Celiac journey here

Wish you could get gluten free meals on the table fast that the whole family will love? Check out Meal Plans Made Easy

Join my free community and grab your copy of 11 Mistakes People Make Living Gluten Free here

Check out my Daily Health Tracker here
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If you have a spare moment, please pop over to Apple Podcasts and leave me a review. Let me know what you like, what you've taken on board and what you'd like to hear more of. Thank you!

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Speaker 1:

All right, welcome back to this week's episode. We're doing something a little bit different this week and we are talking about three different health topics, but what I'm doing is, instead of me going into too much depth about each of these topics, is I'm giving you some resources to some other incredible podcasts that have delved in really deeply with these topics, so that you can learn more about each of the ones that you want to learn about Now. The reason that I want to learn about Now, the reason that I'm doing this, is because I have found some episodes that have taught me so much about these topics that I feel like I would be doing you a disservice if I just tried to cover off as much as I could without going into too much nitty gritty, so I'd rather give you the full episodes from these other experts so that you can dive in and learn from each of these people that you want to learn about Now. The three topics that we're talking about today is perimenopause and menopause, oral health and some care. Okay, so these are three completely different topics, so bear with me because it's not what you think it is Now, as I've kind of done some research on these three different topics, because these are things that I wanted to talk about on my show. I've come across these podcast episodes and I figured do you know what? I'm just going to share these episodes with you because it will be so much more valuable and so much easier on my end as well. So the thing is, as a health coach, I'm always learning, I'm always looking for more information, and when I came up with these topic ideas of trying to learn more about oral care, sun care and obviously perimenopause going into menopause care, some care and obviously perimenopause going into menopause, these are the subjects that I just didn't know enough about and I started to kind of learn little bits and pieces about each of those, but not enough that I felt confident to share what I knew with you guys. So as the research kind of went on, I found these episodes and just went whoa, mind blowing. So in a moment I will share those episodes with you. Everything will be linked below in the comments and also in the show notes if you're listening on a podcast, and you can just head straight to those episodes and check out the ones that you're interested in.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I first started looking into learning more about the sun and how it affects our skin and things like that. The reason I started looking into it was because we would always question why one of my friends gets so sunburnt and we thought there's got to be something more to this. There's got to be some reason why this one particular friend gets so sunburnt all the time. And I came across some research. I came across some information about how our diet plays such a huge role in our skin and how we get burnt. So it's incredibly fascinating.

Speaker 1:

But I've got this one particular friend. She's the same age as me. She's not particularly fair. Like if we stood next to each other, we would probably kind of have the same age as me. She's not particularly fair. Like if we stood next to each other, we would probably kind of have the same sort of skin tone. But she gets burnt when no one should be getting burnt. I'm not even joking you. She goes to the beach and she will cover herself in sun cream, she will wear a long sleeve top and she will be undercover nearly all day and she still gets sunburned.

Speaker 1:

And we were like what is going on? What is going on with this poor girl that gets sunburned when everyone else is out having fun enjoying themselves and their skin's exposed. There's got to be more to it. So when we kind of looked at it, you know the diet is playing a massive role here. So I don't get burnt anywhere near as easily as I used to. I can go out in the sun a lot more now without sun protection at safe times of the day, and my skin is so much safer than what it used to be. And what we're learning is that our diet is a key component in protecting our body from the sun. So the more oils that you consume the unhealthy oils the easier your body gets sunburned. The more healthy foods you eat, the more sun protection you have. So things like consuming cacao can actually improve the amount of sun that your skin can kind of tolerate. So it's just fascinating.

Speaker 1:

But I don't want to delve into it too much because there's so many disclaimers and things that have to be covered and skin cancer, and I don't want to go into it too much so that you're all attacking me and going hang on a minute. This doesn't make sense. I'm not going to cover it that much. I just wanted to give you a little bit of insight so that you're interested enough to go and listen to these other episodes. Okay, so it's worth learning how to protect your skin from the sun through nutrition, because it's just fascinating. And another thing that you'll learn on the episode is how our eyes actually play a role in our sun protection as well. So as soon as we put sunglasses on, it actually stops our skin from learning what type of protection we need. It's just fascinating. I'm not going to go into it too much because I don't know how to explain it. It's just amazing. So, yeah, go and listen to the episode that I share with you in a moment.

Speaker 1:

The next topic is all about oral health. Now, you may not know this, but your teeth and the wellness of your teeth can actually affect the rest of your body. Can you believe that? So the actual, the whole teaching that we have been taught over the years is basically brush your teeth, floss your teeth. Maybe you've been told to have mouthwash, which is, unfortunately, not great advice, but there's so much more to just brushing your teeth, flossing your teeth. There's so much more to it that it plays a huge role in our overall health, and this episode that I'm going to share with you as well is just mind blowing. And again, I can't do it justice. I just honestly cannot do it justice that I want you to go listen to this episode and learn more about it Because, like I said, it's fascinating. It'll blow your mind and you'll learn so much more about how you can improve your health through your oral care.

Speaker 1:

All right, and then the last topic is around perimenopause and menopause, and when you listen to these episodes, you are just going to be gobsmacked. I'm not even joking. I was listening to one of the episodes while I was walking on the treadmill at the gym and I'm not even joking my jaw kept dropping, constantly. My jaw kept dropping. I was shaking my head. I was just blown away by what was being shared on this episode. So there's a lady called Dr Mary Claire Haver and she has written a book all about menopause and, as of recording this, it is the number one book on Amazon for all books, not just health the entire Amazon books. It is number one and this just goes to show that we as women have not been given enough information on perimenopause, on menopause, and she is changing the way that we think about our time of life as we're going through perimenopause and into menopause. So if you are over 30, I swear you need to listen to these episodes or watch these episodes, because they will help you as you start to go through this journey in life.

Speaker 1:

And the reason I feel like this is so important for us with celiac disease is so many of the symptoms of perimenopause actually are very similar to celiac disease symptoms. If you've accidentally consumed gluten, so you might be in your early 40s and you're experiencing some symptoms that you're like, oh no, I've been glutened. Oh no, I've accidentally eaten this or I've done this, and it's not that at all. It could actually be perimenopause. So what you'll learn in this episode is you'll learn all of the terminology. You'll learn why it's important to know the signs and symptoms. There's so much new information on hormone therapy and what you can do about it, because I feel like up until now, so many women have been gaslighted, they have been pushed aside, they haven't been helped and supported, with their symptoms leading into menopause.

Speaker 1:

It was either last year or the year before I went to my doctor and told her that I feel like I have gone into perimenopause, which is the lead up to menopause. So this is the stage where all the symptoms start the hot flashes, the sweating, the anxiety, the mood changes, the weight gain, the brain fog all of these different things start during perimenopause and these can happen for around 10 years, if not longer, for some women. And menopause. So we've been taught that menopause is this period of time. But it's not. Menopause is one day. So menopause is the day that you go, huh, haven't had my period for 12 months. Is the day that you go, huh, haven't had my period for 12 months. Then it's menopause, okay. And then after that is post-menopause. So menopause is one day.

Speaker 1:

We've been told our whole lives that we're going through menopause when we're, you know, in our fifties or in our sixties. This is not true. We are going through perimenopause and it can start in our thirties, it can start in our forties. And my doctor told me I was too young. She said you are too young and she just brushed me off. She didn't want to support me, she didn't want to give me any more help and I didn't push it, I just walked away and went okay, maybe she's right, maybe there's something else going on. But since learning from this doctor and this specialist in perimenopause and menopause, I I'm like wow, I was gaslighted by my own doctor. I was gaslighted to think that I was a little bit crazy and that this was not relevant for me because I was too young.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so please go listen to these episodes. My best friend actually got me onto one of these episodes and I'm so grateful for it and one of the episodes is with Mel Robbins. You might've heard of Mel Robbins. She's got a very popular podcast. She's huge on Instagram, and my best friend shared it with me and she says on the episode she says share this with every woman you know. Share it, get the word out there, because we need to know this information. And I thought do you know what? I can do this through my podcast by sharing this with you, ladies, because we need to know this information.

Speaker 1:

We need to learn more about our bodies, and one of the mind-blowing things that I learned from listening to these episodes and learning more from Dr Mary Claire Haver is that there's so much money thrown at studies on pregnant women, how to get pregnant and how to support a baby after that baby's born and helping that woman after the baby's born right, but there's hardly any money and hardly any studies done on perimenopause and menopause. And guess what the difference is? Every woman will go through menopause. Every single woman on this planet will go through menopause at some point in their life, but not every woman will have a baby, so why are they getting all the money? Why are the women that are having babies getting all this funding and all this support and all this money when every single woman will benefit from learning about menopause and getting the guidance and the insights that they need to be able to survive and thrive in this period of time? Because, you know, it just changes us. It changes us as women, and it's so important for us to empower ourselves and educate ourselves as much as possible on this subject.

Speaker 1:

So I cannot urge you enough to listen to this. If you don't want to listen to it yet, put it on your playlist, put it on your like queue for later, subscribe to that channel, do what you can to put it there so that at some stage, you are going to make yourself listen to it, because I promise you you are going to learn so much from this episode and or multiple episodes, rather that I'm going to share with you. So I hope that this inspires you to delve into some different topics that we haven't really covered too much on the show before. But again, it's just that awareness and, as you may or may not know, I'm so passionate about health and finding out as much as we can about our bodies and learning about our health and how to thrive in this incredible life that we get to live.

Speaker 1:

Quickly rattle off the episodes that you're going to want to go and find and, like I said, they'll be in the show notes and they'll be in the comments below on YouTube. So go and check out the Mel Robbins podcast and her episode is the number one menopause doctor how to lose belly fat, sleep better and stop suffering now. So that will be on any podcast app. You should be able to find that. So Marie Forleo also interviewed Mary Claire Haver on her podcast called the Marie Forleo podcast, and the episode is episode 398, what they don't tell you about menopause. So both the episodes were very, very different. Even though it's interviewing the same doctor, they are very different episodes and they have very different information on them, so highly recommend checking them out. They also have those episodes on their YouTube, so if you'd rather go to their YouTube channels, you can do that.

Speaker 1:

So mel robbins understanding menopause and how to deal with symptoms, or the marie folio episode is just simply look up marie folio, menopause and medical gaslighting the truth revealed. So check those out. Highly, highly recommend. So when we were talking about the oral health episodes, you want to check out the hooberman lab, so his podcast episode is called hooberman lab and it's episode 163 how to improve oral health and its critical role in brain and body health. He's also got that episode over on his youtube channel, um, titled the exact same thing. Um, you'll be able to find that there as well. I'll have the links for that. And then the one on sun cream and sun care is called Nutritional Sunscreen and the Truth About Sun Protection, and the episode is on the Model Health Show and it's episode 771. Again, you can find his episode on YouTube and it's Eat these Foods to Protect your skin from sun damage, shawn Stevenson. So highly recommend all three of them.

Speaker 1:

Whether you watch them on YouTube or you listen to them on the podcast episodes, it's totally up to you, but you will get so many beautiful new insights and learn so much that I would love, love, love you to reach out to me after you've listened to any of those episodes or watched any of those episodes and just let me know if it was valuable and your favorite takeaway you can send me an Instagram message at the healthy celiac or you can do one better and you can leave me a review on the podcast. So go to Apple podcast. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the. You can leave me a review on the podcast. So go to Apple podcast. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the episodes and leave me some feedback on what you learned and whether you appreciated being shared that information. So thank you so much for listening.

Speaker 1:

This is completely different to what I've ever done before but, like I said, I feel like it's such a valuable amount of content that I feel like it needs to be out there. And you know, when we find a good gluten-free treat, we share it with our gluten-free besties. So I feel like I'm sharing my amazing health advice with my beautiful gluten-free besties. So, like I said, check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks so much for listening and I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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