The Healthy Celiac Podcast

Another Year with Celiac Disease Ep. 89

• Belinda Whelan • Season 1 • Episode 89

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As we head towards another new year, it's time to reflect on the year that was, living with Celiac Disease.

Previous episode mentioned: Episode 37 - New Year New Goals

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Speaker 1:

<affirmative> on the very last episode of the show last year, I spoke about setting goals for the new year ahead. Now I'm not going to redo that this year or repeat myself. If you want to learn a bit more about setting goals for the new year, that episode is still relevant. So go back and have a listen to it and I'll pop a link below in the show notes so that you can find that episode very easily. But I wanted to talk about wrapping up the year. That was, because this is something that I have done for quite some time now and I think it's really powerful because it helps you see how far you've come in your journey. Now this doesn't just have to be for celiac disease, it can be for anything in your life. And I find that when I reflect back on the year, that was, for me, it's so powerful and it helps to see the growth that you have experienced. So it's, it's a super cool, um, little activity to do. So you can do it in your diary, you can do it in a notebook, some paper on your phone in your notes section, however you feel it works for you. But it's about looking back and seeing what you did this year. It doesn't have to be things that you've actually achieved as, as such, but things that you've done. So I'll definitely be looking back and reflecting on the show, how much I've been able to reach people throughout the world, how many different countries I've been able to share my message with. So what I like to do, and I re, what I recommend you do is you write out some categories and that'll help prompt you on ways to sort of fill out your journal or your, your diary, however you wanna write it out. But have some areas, so things like work or business could be one category, home life could be another, financial could be another, friends and family living with celiac disease. One of these things, you know, might be enough for you or you might wanna do all of those categories plus more could be study, it could be education. There's so many different categories. So what you do is you write your categories out and then you write what you did. So if it's travel for instance, you could write the places that you went camping or the places that you got to travel overseas and the things that you did. Or for celiac disease, it could be, you know, I've managed to get a zero on my blood test. I don't sh it's showing that I'm not having any gluten in my system anymore. That's a massive achievement. Or it could be that you've taken extra steps to improve your health within living with celiac disease and moving forward that you know that going into the new year that things are looking really, really good for you with celiac disease. Or it could be a trigger that you need to take some extra steps to help you further. Now when it comes to home life for us, we've been doing lots of renovations at home this year. So there's been so much action going on in our place. If you were to to see around me right now, you would see lots going on. There's doors off that are being painted. Uh, we've almost completed our laundry renovation that was started over a year ago. So there's lots going on, but it's exciting. So I love reflecting on the things that we've achieved and that we've done. Now, the really cool thing about this is when you keep this say in a diary, if you're someone like me that keeps your diaries is you can look back on them in years to come and go, wow, I did that in 2022. Wow, I did that in 2023. Wow, I did that. You know, it's so cool to reflect on because sometimes we forget all the amazing things that we did. Now when I had my very, very first business, healthy loving life, way back when, when I first started health coaching, I kept a tracking sheet of my business and I had a beautiful ex Excel spreadsheet<laugh>, which is so weird cuz I'm not a spreadsheet person, but I was definitely keeping a spreadsheet back then. So I kept this spreadsheet of all the different things that I did and all the clients that I had and how many people I helped and how much money I was able to earn as a result from that. And I had things on there like women's wellness seminar and um, detox seminar and all these different seminars that I did, how many attendees I had. And I was like, oh wow, I for forgot. I'd totally forgotten that I'd done all of these incredible things when I first launched my business. Like I'm talking the first year of launching my business. All the things that I achieved back then, like, it's just incredible to look back on because maybe at the time I didn't realize how amazing it actually was. Whereas now I can really reflect on that and go, whoa, that's cool. And know that moving forward now that I'm launching into coaching again, yes, you might have heard that here,<laugh> very first time that I've said that out loud to people. Um, but yeah, I'm getting back into coaching again. So I'm doing group coaching as of February next year. I've already got new clients working one-on-one again, which I swore I was never gonna do again. But yeah, it's cool to know that I was successful doing that before and I'm going to be successful doing that again because I got results for people and I know I'm gonna get results for people again. So yeah, having that, I guess that spreadsheet to remind me of how powerful it is actually to reflect on, you know, things that you've done. So I hope that inspires you to reflect on this year, reflect on what you've achieved, write down everything that you see you've done this year. Uh, it's a good trigger to, to look back on a while back I was going to monthly women's circles. If you don't want know what women's circles are, it's basically a group of women get together, sit in a circle and we share things about our lives. We share our dreams and our problems and it's a beautiful space. And at the end of every session we would get a worksheet and we would write down all of the things that we'd achieved for the month, all of the things that we'd done as such. So I remember writing things like spent quality time with my kids and, you know, went to this place and went to that place. And do you know, what was our trigger was our phones. We would get our phones out and we would look at the photos in our phone for that month because if you're like me, you probably take heaps of photos of what you do on a daily basis. And it was such an easy way to look and see what we'd done for the month and write that down. So that might be something that could help you going back a year. If you've got a year's worth of photos on your own, like I always do, um, you could look back and see what you've achieved over that time and what you've done with your year and, and yeah, write it down, share it and, and make sure that you are reflecting on the amazing year that you've had or seeing that there's things that you perhaps didn't do that you wanted to do. If you did the goals with me last year, have a look at those and compare what you achieved. Have a look at your goals that you set and see which ones didn't happen. It's never a bad thing if you didn't achieve those goals. There's always next year. I always say that goals are just sometimes need to be stretched out. If it doesn't, if you don't reach it, it's not that we need to beat ourselves up and and say that we failed or anything like that. It just might mean that you need a new time schedule for those goals. So yeah, if you wrote those down, go back, check'em out and see what, what you actually did get done this year. And again, write down your goals for next year and see how far you can come in a year because it's so amazing when you write things down. Writing things down on paper is so powerful and I think you'll enjoy doing this activity a lot, um, and get a lot out of it. So if there's something that you achieve this year that you'd love to share with me, please make sure you send me a message. Uh, you can either reach out to me at the Healthy Celiac on Instagram or you can send me an email info belinda cause I'd love to hear from you. And I'd also love to hear, if you listen to every episode this year, if you listen to every episode of the show, let me know. I wanna know if you are one of those people that are on there every single week listening to the show, because I know you're out there. I see you, I see you on my computer and know that you are listening to the episode every single week. So there's a huge bunch of you. So I'm beyond ecstatic that there's so many of you that listen to the show every week. So thank you. That's my sign off for the year and this week. So thank you so much for being part of my community and helping me to grow and to do this show for you every single week because it's the feedback that I get from you guys that help me and

Speaker 2:

Inspire me and, and help me grow. So thank you so much to each and every single one of you that have reached out to me this year and shared your story with stories with me. It truly makes a difference. I just want you to know that. So yeah, thanks so much and I will talk with you again in the new year. So take care, be safe, spend time with loved ones, and I'll see you soon. Take care.

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